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It is a great joy to know that you desire to have a wedding ceremony at St. David’s Church, and we want to assist in making that desire a reality. At St. David's, we believe that committed relationships visibly reflect God's inner, spiritual love. Our mission is to support couples and make God's love more visible in our community. It is the responsibility of the clergy, Wedding Guild, Flower Guild, and Organist to assist you and ensure that your day is special and spiritually meaningful.

The first step in the marriage process is completing the Request for Marriage Form from below. A priest will follow up with you. Onsite Weddings are reserved for members of St. David's who are in good standing. St. David's Clergy are available for pre-martial counseling and off-site weddings on a case-by-case basis.


You can also download the St. David's Wedding Handbook to help guide your planning.


The form will take about 5 minutes. 

Remarriage Petitions

If you are widowed or divorced, a Remarriage Petition must be completed and filed. All Remarriage Petitions must be submitted electronically at least 45 days prior to the proposed wedding date.  The petition(s) must have the signature of the officiating priest. Be aware that the Bishop may request to review the original documents during the approval process. 

  • A petition must be filed for any person for whom a previous marriage was dissolved by civil authority. A petition must also be filed if the petitioner is no longer married due to the death of the spouse.

  • When each person in the proposed marriage is divorced or widowed, a separate and complete petition must be filed for each person.

  • Copies of the final divorce decree or death certificate must be attached to the petition.

  • For a second marriage, the bishop requires a waiting period of one year from the date of the final decree.

  • The date and place of the proposed marriage may not be publicly announced until the bishop’s consent has been received.

The Wedding Guild

The Wedding Guild is present at all rehearsals and weddings. We work in teams of three or four to assist the priest, the bride and groom, and the wedding party. Soon after the wedding date is set, we meet with the bride and groom and the bride’s mother (or other special person) to discuss wedding plans in detail, answer questions, and get to know the people that we will be helping on the special day.  From that meeting onward, we are available to provide advice on wedding logistics.
At the rehearsal, we assist the priest in choreographing the wedding ceremony.  We rehearse the ushers, attendants, readers, and all moving parts of the wedding. On the day of the wedding, we calm the nervous, cheer the melancholy, keep the groomsmen focused, help with inevitable clothing/hair/makeup issues, deal with the photographer, and serve as timekeepers to ensure that the wedding party is on schedule. We have an updated Wedding Handbook, a comprehensive planning guide to assist the bride and groom.  The booklet is available online, through the church website for the thoroughly modern bride-to-be.
Volunteers (male and female) are always welcome to join this excellent ministry.
Contact Linda Puckett for more information.

St. David's Episcopal Church

Phone: 770-993-6084


1015 Old Roswell Rd.

Roswell, GA. 30076

Office hours: Tuesday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

NOTE: The office will be closed December 26 to January 1.


©2023 by St. David's Episcopal Church.

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