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  • Documents | St. David's Episcopal Church

    St. David's Documents and Downloads (Please be patient. Documents may take a moment to appear.) Available in English only except where indicated

  • Worship | St. David's Episcopal Church

    Watch Services Online Listen to Sermons Prayer List If you are visiting St. David's Episcopal Church, please follow the signs to specially designated parking for Visitors. When you enter the front doors, please visit our Welcome Center at the main entrance of the Church. A member of our Welcome Ministry will be there to greet you and offer you a warm welcome to St. David's. We invite you to fill out either a paper welcome card found in the pews or the Online Visitors Card (here) , so we can send you additional information ab out St. David’s. We are blessed that you have chosen to worship at St. David’s! SUNDAY WORSHIP SCHEDULE 7:45 a.m. Worship Service with Holy Communion, Rite I Traditional Language 9:00 a.m. Family Service with Holy Communion, Rite II Childcare is available as well as Children's Chapel. The St. David's Basement Band will provide Contemporary Music. 11:15 a.m. Worship Service with Holy Communion, Rite II Traditional music with St. David's Adult Choir. In-person and Online Worship. Childcare is available. Please note that this service will be live-streamed. Click here for the Online Service link. Bulletin and Prayer List here. 1:15 p.m. Holy Communion - Spanish Language Service For Children St. David's Nursery - Children of all ages are invited to participate in our worship services at St. David's. The Nursery is also available to serve children, infants to 3-years-old, starting at 8:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Our experienced staff is dedicated to providing excellent care in a loving environment following Safeguarding God's Children guidelines and CDC protocols. We welcome you and encourage you to ask questions. Please email Judy Hine, Director of Children's Ministry. Children's Chapel - Children ages 4 to 5th grade gather each week for Children's Chapel. Judy Hine, Director of Children's Ministries, invites children to the Chapel during the 9:00 a.m. Family Service, which includes a Bible story, prayers, and special activities. The children will return to their parents for Communion. Worship at St. David's Join Us Online! St. David's online worship is a livestream of the 11:15 a.m. Rite II service on Youtube. Click the YouTube icon below to go to our channel Special Service Schedule

  • St. David's Episcopal Church, Roswell Georgia

    St. David's Episcopal Church Convenient to Roswell, Alpharetta , Milton, John's Creek, Woodstock, and North Fulton County We are a like-hearted and diverse community of faith gathered and shaped by Jesus’ abundant love. We are focused on growing deeply and serving passionately, that we might shine Christ’s light wherever God might call us. There’s a Place at the Table for Everyone Relationships Come First Love like Jesus Unity over Uniformity Tradition not Traditionalism At the Altar, at the conference table, sharing meals, in the classroom – everyone has a place at the table at St. David’s. We desire your participation, and we invite you to bring your whole self to the table. We’ll make sure there’s room for you there. We draw nourishment and stability from our deep roots in ancient traditions, without sacrificing flexibility. We aren’t a museum for church traditions but participants in a living faith, anchored by practices that have been honored since the time of Jesus first followers. We believe reconciliation was the primary goal of Jesus’ work. Our relationships matter and define how we pursue our mission and activity. Person-to-person connection is a gauge of vitality at every level of the organization. We do our best to love God and our neighbor, always expanding the definition of “neighbor”. We strive to love not as the world loves, but as Jesus loves: wholly, unconditionally, and sacrificially. Everyone’s different; we honor that. We don’t seek to be a group of people who think alike about everything; we desire to be people who share a common heart, a common purpose, and a fellowship of love. Being together in community is more important than political affiliation, tribal identity, or which sports team you cheer for. Sunday Worship Schedule August through May 7:45 a.m. Worship Service with Holy Communion, Rite I Traditional Language. 9:00 a.m. Family Service with Holy Communion, Rite II Childcare is available. Children's Chapel. Contemporary music provided by St. David's Basement Band. 11:15 a.m. Worship Service with Holy Communion, Rite II Childcare is available. Traditional Music with the St. David's Choir. Online and in-person. Click here for the Online Service link. Bulletin and Prayer List here. 1:15 p.m. Santa Misa en Español Plan your visit St. David's Episcopal Church is a one of the largest churches in the Diocese of Atlanta, known for promoting spiritual growth through worship, education, and diverse ministries for all ages. The church, which features a beautiful nave with impressive stained-glass windows and a digitally upgraded pipe organ , creates an unmatched worship experience. With traditional and contemporary music offerings and an award-winning organist , the music is powerful and elegant. Most importantly, St. David's is known for its people, dedicated staff and volunteers who support the growth of children and youth, and opportunities for adults to deepen their faith and join in community through ministry and fellowship programs. Upcoming Events St. David's Annual Meeting Sun, Jan 26 Jan 26, 2025, 12:15 PM – 1:30 PM Roswell, 1015 Old Roswell Rd, Roswell, GA 30076, USA Jan 26, 2025, 12:15 PM – 1:30 PM Roswell, 1015 Old Roswell Rd, Roswell, GA 30076, USA Join us to learn how St. David’s Walked in Love in 2024 and learn about our plans to Shine Our Light as we are Rooted and Grounded in Love in 2025! Sign Up Here! Men's Club Planning/Dinner Meeting Sun, Jan 26 Jan 26, 2025, 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM Roswell, 1015 Old Roswell Rd, Roswell, GA 30076, USA Jan 26, 2025, 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM Roswell, 1015 Old Roswell Rd, Roswell, GA 30076, USA Please join us for a Men’s Club planning/dinner meeting on Sunday, January 26 in Jeffords Hall. Sign Up Here! Instructed Eucharist Wed, Jan 29 Jan 29, 2025, 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM Roswell, 1015 Old Roswell Rd, Roswell, GA 30076, USA Jan 29, 2025, 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM Roswell, 1015 Old Roswell Rd, Roswell, GA 30076, USA Join The Rev. Remington Slone for an Instructed Eucharist that highlights the structure and history of the Rite of Holy Communion. Sign Up Here! Multiple Dates Sunday Night at St. David's Sun, Feb 02 Feb 02, 2025, 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM Roswell, 1015 Old Roswell Rd, Roswell, GA 30076, USA Feb 02, 2025, 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM Roswell, 1015 Old Roswell Rd, Roswell, GA 30076, USA New in 2025! Sunday Night at St. David’s! Group activities for children and youth and their parents, with a focus on connection, fellowship, and faith formation. Sign Up Here! Family Promise Week (1) Sun, Feb 16 Feb 16, 2025, 7:00 AM – Feb 23, 2025, 7:00 PM Roswell, 1015 Old Roswell Rd, Roswell, GA 30076, USA Feb 16, 2025, 7:00 AM – Feb 23, 2025, 7:00 PM Roswell, 1015 Old Roswell Rd, Roswell, GA 30076, USA St David’s serves as a host congregation for Family Promise several times each year. We will welcome 3 families to the Sinclair House during the week of February 16-23 Sign Up Here! Click here to see our full Calendar News and Updates from St. David's susie280 Step Up and Step Out with Path to Shine Mentorship in 2025! Step Up and Step Out by mentoring children with the Path to Shine program Step Up and Step Out with Path to Shine Mentorship in 2025! Step Up and Step Out by mentoring children with the Path to Shine program What a WONDERFUL Time of Year! What a Wonderful Holiday Season! A Clean Start for the New Year! "A Clean Start for the New Year" ST. DAVID'S YOUTH PROJECT Most of us worry more about having time to do the laundry than about having... St David’s and Mimosa Elementary School Celebrate the Completion of the Toolbox Fall Semester St David’s and Mimosa Elementary School Celebrate the Completion of the Toolbox Fall Semester 1 2 3 4 5 Quick Links Do you have a prayer request? Are you a member and need to reserve a room for your group or ministry? Use these quick links below! Prayer Request Space/Event Request The Illumination Member Log in St. David's Library Make an Online Pledge Make an Online Donation Printable Directory

  • Serve the Parish | St. David's Episcopal Church

    Serve the Parish Ministries that Serve St. David's Parish For more information on any of the ministries below, including how to join, please fill out the form at the bottom of the page. Welcome Committee/Greeters The Welcome Ministry reflects the heart of our St. David’s community by making all who enter our doors feel wanted and cared for. The time commitment is small…the rewards are great. We would love for you to join this ministry. Daughters of the King The Order of the Daughters of the King was founded by the Episcopal Church in 1885 to be an extension of Christ’s kingdom through prayer, service and evangelism. Daughters of the King, in a lifetime vow, pledge to undertake a spiritual discipline that incorporates a Rule of Life through the Rule of Prayer and the Rule of Service. Stop by our table in the church hallway August 4th, 11th and 18th for more information. The Guild of Saint Joseph of Arimathea The Guild of Saint Joseph of Arimathea was established in July 2002 by the parishioners of St. David’s, and supported by the clergy. The primary purpose of the guild is to provide the staffing necessary to conduct a funeral at St. David’s observing the canons of the Episcopal Church and the rubric’s of the rector. Men's Club Breakfast The breakfast teams are part of the Men’s Club. The men gather to cook breakfast for the congregation before the 7:45 am service and are on 6-8 week serving rotation teams. Donations accepted for breakfast. Parish Partners Parish Partners are called to introduce New Members to other members of the church family, invite them to church activities, and help them integrate them into Parish life at St. David’s. Friends of the Garden The Friends of the Garden is a new ministry at St. David’s. It was formed to oversee, maintain and protect the sacred nature of the Memorial Garden. The committee is dedicated to preserving the existing garden with it’s natural beauty as it continues to serve as a sacred place where parishioners can visit for prayer, meditation and remembrance. Stephen Ministry The lay people of this ministry provide one-to-one Christian care to hurting people, including those who are bereaved, hospitalized, terminally ill, divorced, unemployed, in financial crisis, or others who are facing crisis of life challenges. Stephen Ministers go through a detailed training program before ministering to others. Our next 20-week training session for newcomers begins Sept 9 (Mondays 1:00-3:30 p.m.). A NEW training class will begin in January 2025 at Roswell Presbyterian Church. Submit the form below to get more information.

  • Outreach Missions | St. David's Episcopal Church

    Outreach Missions Be a Better Neighbor As Christians, we are called to follow Christ’s teachings, come together for worship, and fellowship, and serve so to the spread of the Kingdom of God. At St. David’s, we have many opportunities for you to engage in ministry, and be a better neighbor to those around us. Explore the offerings below to find a way to become involved. Serving in outreach ministry helps us develop and grow our faith, make new friends, and is an expectation in the body of Christ and allows us to live into our Baptismal Covenant. Latest News About Outreach Opportunities A Clean Start for the New Year! "A Clean Start for the New Year" ST. DAVID'S YOUTH PROJECT Most of us worry more about having time to do the laundry than about having... St David’s and Mimosa Elementary School Celebrate the Completion of the Toolbox Fall Semester St David’s and Mimosa Elementary School Celebrate the Completion of the Toolbox Fall Semester St. David's to Support NFCC's "Toyland Shop" this December! St. David’s will again be supporting the Toyland Shop program which provides toys and gifts to local children in need at the holidays. For more information on any of the Outreach Missions below, including how to join, please fill out the form at the bottom of the page. North Fulton Community Charities St. David's has been partnering with North Fulton Community Charities (NFCC) since its inception and founding. NFCC provides financial assistance, food, clothing, education and more to those in need. St. David’s provides financial assistance, as well as volunteers, to serve in the food pantry and thrift shop. We also participate in several other programs during the year, such as the Warm Coat drive, School Supply Drive, and Frozen Turkey donations. Food Pantry Collection for January is POWDERED LAUNDRY DETERGENT. Collection for February is canned fruit. Family Promise of North Fulton/Dekalb Family Promise of North Fulton/Dekalb is an organization dedicated to helping families who are experiencing housing insecurity. St. David’s serves as a host congregation for three Family Promise families for a week at a time providing comfortable rooms, nourishing meals, and social support at the Sinclair House. It takes a lot of volunteers to make the weeks a success, and we’d love your help. Upcoming host weeks are 9/8/24, 12/8/24, 2/16/25, 4/27/25 and 8/17/25. Episcopal Relief and Development Fund Episcopal Relief and Development is an international relief and development agency, and a compassionate response to human suffering on behalf of Episcopal Church dedicated to international relief and Development. It has been operating since 1940. The Drake House The Drake House provides short-term crisis housing, education, and empowerment programs for homeless mothers and their children in North Fulton County, designed to assist the family in working toward self-sufficiency. Honduras Mission Team The purpose of this ministry is to serve God by building relationships, physical structures, and being the Church in Honduras. This is accomplished through a longstanding and loving partnership with the Lamb Institute based in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Mission trips are planned twice yearly along with a fundraiser. St. David's also supports a missionary, who has been serving LAMB Institute since 2011. St. Francis Guild Started in 2010, the St. Francis Guild provides a hot lunch to day-laborers in Roswell who are waiting for work. It is a soup kitchen on wheels, as the volunteer team cooks in Jeffords Hall kitchen and takes the meals to areas where the men are waiting for work. The team meets Thursday mornings at 7:00 a.m. We welcome you to join us! Path to Shine What Neighborly Looks Like: Mentoring a child is one of the most neighborly things St. David’s does. Every Wednesday from 2:30-5:00 p.m., our mentors meet with kids from our next-door neighbor, Mimosa Elementary. Together, we eat and play and read and learn and make things. Each child is matched one-on-one with the same mentor, so a real bond forms and real progress gets made. We’re always seeking new full-time mentors, substitute mentors, and snack providers. If you want an experience that’s fun as well as meaningful, please complete the form below and check "Path to Shine." We are still looking for one more mentor for 2024-25. Blood Drive This ministry schedules several blood drives annually at the Church. The next LifeSouth blood drive is October 27, 2024, 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. See the link on St. David's homepage to reserve your time. Six Mercies Ministry Each Monday from 1:00- 3:00 p.m. we open our doors to those in our community that are in need of assistance. We interview each one, determine the need and try to bring hope to all that come. We have a team of two during each time period. We are flexible and will work with you on hours. We also need volunteers to stuff toiletry and snack kits. You are welcome to be with us on Mondays to discern if this is a way you would like to serve. Come serve – meet new volunteer friends and neighbors. You will not be disappointed!! Eyeglass Donations This ministry collects unwanted eye glasses for recycling. The box is located in the hallway near the mailboxes. Green Guild + Adopt-a-Road The “Green Guild” is the environmental ministry of St. David’s. We promote Creation Care/Stewardship of Creation. This includes serving as liaison between our parish and Georgia Interfaith Power and Light (GIPL). We also coordinate with the Junior Warden on energy-efficiency projects throughout our campus. All are invited to join this ministry -- no experience required. Adopt-a-Road: Every 6-8 weeks a "crew" of people make sure that Old Roswell Road, from Warsaw to Holcomb Bridge Roads is free of litter. Next clean-up day is Feb. 1, 9:30-11:30 a.m. St. David’s Scouting Ministry We are a charter organization that provides a full, year-round Scouting program for the youth of St. David’s and surrounding community. Our Vision is to offer a Scouting program appropriate to both the age and grade levels of our youth. For more information, please join us at our meetings or fill out the form below. Toolbox Do you like working with your hands and building skills? Volunteering at Mimosa Elementary’s Toolbox after school program is for you. Fifth graders learn basic woodworking skills: measuring, cutting, and assembling using basic tools. The students will build a small wooden toolbox (fall) and a birdhouse using cedar wood (spring). There is an instructor who guides the class through the simple projects. The volunteers mentor the kids and help them follow the steps correctly. Fall Session begins Wednesday, 9/11/24, at 2:00 p.m. for orientation and training. Africa Mission Team With guidance from the Diocese of Central Tanganyika, St. David’s decided to team with Solar Light for Africa to provide solar energy solution for Msalato Theological College in Dodoma, Africa.

  • Contact | St. David's Episcopal Church

    Convenient to Roswell, Alpharetta, Milton, and North Fulton County Saint David’s Episcopal Church is a thriving parish of over 600 families and over 1800 baptized members located in Roswell, Georgia, approximately 20 miles north of downtown Atlanta. 1015 Old Roswell Rd., Roswell, GA. 30076 Telephone: 770-993-6084 Tuesday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Contact Us

  • Educational Events | St. David's Episcopal Church

    Adult Learning Events St. David's has several adult learning events throughout the year that are perfect for someone who wants to disconnect from their regular routine for a while and immerse themselves into a spiritual enviornment. Take a look at what we have to offer! Men's Retreat May 3-5, 2024 Unicoi State Park Please join us for a weekend of Spiritual Renewal and Christian Fellowship led by our speaker, The Reverend Dr. Jim Shumard, priest in charge, St. James, Clayton. He will lead our discussion titled, “FIFTY SHADES OF LIVING COLOR: Exploring the multi-verse of scripture”. Come for a weekend of playful and prayerful approaches to stories in scripture, which will give insights into God‘s love for us and into our day-to-day relationship with God and with one another. Starting on Friday at Noon, we will have optional golf, fishing, hiking, and biking. The formal program will begin on Saturday morning. You can easily drive up on Saturday morning from the Atlanta metro – it’s about 1.5 hour drive. The program ends on Sunday morning, with the program wrap-up and a worship service with Holy Communion. Please contact Loren Conrad if you have any questions. Registration for the 2024 Retreat is now live! Click here to learn more! Women's Retreat “Prayerful Kitchen: Finding Sabbath Moments in Everyday Life” October 11-13 St. Mary’s Retreat Center, Sewanee, TN Join us for a weekend of fellowship and spiritual renewal on the mountain at St. Mary's, Sewanee, TN. We are hosting a guest speaker, Mary Hemmer, a pastor/retreat leader from Gainesville, GA. She will be speaking on “Prayerful Kitchen: Finding Sabbath Moments in Everyday Life”. Register today for a weekend of faith and community! If you’d like to learn more about Mary Hemmer, check out her blog at Price: St. Mary's Hall Dorm Room - $250 (No A/C, shared bathroom on hallway) Anna House - $310 (A/C, private bathroom) Click here to register. Morning Reflections Advent and Lent In special seasons of the church year, we are encouraged to come away from our routines to make space for quiet reflection and prayer. Just as Jesus made his way into the wilderness to pray, we are encouraged to create intentional space. Morning Reflections offer a mixture of teaching, quiet reflection, and prayer and are organized by the Daughters of the King chapter.

  • Two-Year-Olds | St. David's Episcopal Church

    Preschool Program Two Year Olds Class Call/Text NOW to schedule a tour Three Days: Two Year Old Class: children 2 years of age by September 1 Two Year Old Class is for children who turn two on or before September 1st. The class meets consecutive days per week class Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 9:30am-1:00pm. Class size is limited to 14 Students with 2 teachers. Click here for Developmental Objectives Two Year Olds. Children will be walked to the classroom at 9:30AM (unless the child attends the 8:30 Rooster Club Play Group) and picked up from the classroom by 1:00PM, or if they use the after preschool play group StayNPlay then they are collected from the playground at 2PM). Children arrive at preschool with a two handled labeled school bag that holds a change of clothing or diapers, and lunchbox filled with a light "nut-free" lunch and filled water bottle. The classroom is divided into areas of play and learning with age appropriate toys and furniture, large carpeted area for free play and circle time, reading center, housekeeping area, discovery/free art activities, and a child-friendly bathroom. Teachers share lesson plans with parents weekly. Children are read to daily and have individual and group instruction time; art projects and games that support the theme based curriculum; and many skill building activities for areas of development. Children attend a Music and Movement class and go outdoors to play on the playground daily as weather permits. Classroom parents will provide the food for a “nut-free” mid-morning snack for the whole class on a rotation basis. Children should be able to walk and talk. Teaching focus is on social interaction skills, fine motor, and early learning skills. Evaluations are given to parents in January and again in May. St. David's Preschool follows Fulton County Schools calendar with the exception of the start and the end dates of the school year . Annual Tuition is $3,390 and can be paid in 10 equal monthly payments of $339. Due at the time of registration for new students is a registration fee of: $145 A one-time Supply fee of $70 is due the first month of preschool. Click Here to register.

  • Baptism | St. David's Episcopal Church

    Baptism at St. David's Please use the form below to request a baptism at St. David's. Note: The form below requires scrolling to fill it out completely.

  • Gifts of Real Estate | St. David's Episcopal Church

    Gifts of Real Estate It is often possible to give your house, vacation home, condo, or farm to St. David’s while continuing to live in it. Using a Charitable Life Estate Contract, you can deed the real estate to St. David’s and retain the right to live on the property and/or receive income from the property for as long as you live. You receive an income tax deduction when the property is deeded to the church and normally avoid any capital gains taxes when making the transfer. Your inheritance and estate taxes may be reduced at the time of your death. As exciting as receiving a gift of real estate may be, St. David’s leadership will examine the advisability of accepting real estate before assuming the title. There are many factors to consider before you, or St. David's can determine whether the transfer is in the best interest of both parties. In all cases, you and St. David's will need independent legal counsel to help guide the process. Learn more about Funding Future Ministry options. Prospective donors are strongly urged to consult with their own legal, financial, and/or tax advisor regarding the tax advantages of planned giving. This information is for educational use and not intended to be financial, tax, or legal advice and should not be relied on as such.

  • Youth Ministry | St. David's Episcopal Church

    St. David's Youth Ministry At St. David’s youth are welcomed, empowered, and inspired on their spiritual journey. We offer a vibrant and inclusive community for young people to explore their faith, cultivate meaningful relationships, and make a positive impact in the world. Through engaging activities, service opportunities, and discussions, we strive to equip our youth with the tools they need to navigate life with faith, purpose, and joy. Join us as we grow together in love, faith, and service, building a brighter future for ourselves and our community! Meet Karen Juarez, Director of Youth Ministries Karen is an active member of St. David's Church in Roswell, where she has been attending for 13 years. Growing up in Roswell, Karen has been deeply involved in various church activities, including the youth choir and serving as an acolyte. Recently, she accepted a role in youth ministry, where she looks forward to contributing her passion and experience. Karen cherishes her fondest memories of growing up at St. David's, particularly attending Camp Mikell, VBS and decorating her trunk for Trunk or Treat. She is excited to work with the youth and make more memories with everyone at St. David's. Outside of her church involvement, Karen is a dedicated Atlanta Braves fan and enjoys watching and attending their games. As a bilingual member of her community, Karen attends both English and Spanish services, using her knowledge to serve both communities and foster a sense of unity within her congregation. Contact Karen if you have any questions! Sunday Morning Opportunities Youth Sunday School Every Sunday morning, 10:00 - 11:15 a.m. at the Sinclair House. Youth in 6th - 12th grade are invited to join in for an hour of faith formation each Sunday during the Sunday School hour! Most weeks, the group will meet at the Sinclair House, which serves as the youth house on St. David's campus. Together, the group explores scripture, offers prayers, and engages in fun activities, games, and crafts. Worship Engagement Opportunities for Youth There are various ways for youth to serve at our 9 o'clock Family worship service each Sunday! Currently, youth are invited to help by serving as an acolyte or Youth lector. If you are interested in becoming a part of one of these ministries, please fill out the interest forms linked below so a member of leadership within these ministries can reach out with more information! Youth Lector Interest Form Acolyte Interest Form Upcoming Events Urban Escape Games - Youth Sun, Jan 26 Roswell Jan 26, 2025, 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM Roswell, 20 Mansell Ct E Suite #275, Roswell, GA 30076, USA Jan 26, 2025, 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM Roswell, 20 Mansell Ct E Suite #275, Roswell, GA 30076, USA Join us for an exciting event at Urban Escape Games on January 26! RSVP Paint Night - Youth Sun, Feb 02 Roswell Feb 02, 2025, 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM Roswell, 1015 Old Roswell Rd, Roswell, GA 30076, USA Feb 02, 2025, 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM Roswell, 1015 Old Roswell Rd, Roswell, GA 30076, USA Join us for a creative Paint Night on February 2! RSVP Happening 81 - High School Youth Fri, Feb 07 Toccoa Feb 07, 2025, 5:00 PM – Feb 09, 2025, 1:00 PM Toccoa, Camp Mikell Rd, Toccoa, GA 30577, USA Feb 07, 2025, 5:00 PM – Feb 09, 2025, 1:00 PM Toccoa, Camp Mikell Rd, Toccoa, GA 30577, USA High School formation retreat at Camp Mikell. RSVP Youth Events Other Youth Engagement Opportunities Back to School Sunday and Children's Ministries this August Back to School Sunday for Youth St. David's Youth Newsletter The St. David's Youth newsletter is a great way to keep up with all the latest and greatest news and events! You can subscribe to the newsletter by completing the form below!

  • Stained Glass Windows - The Saints | St. David's Episcopal Church

    Stained Glass Windows Part 5 - The Saints Four saints were chosen to be shown in the windows behind the altar because each has special meaning to this parish. St. Francis Location: Right of altar, lower window It’s been said that St. Francis is the most popular saint in the world. The artist has depicted him with birds perching on him, and a fawn at his feet. Who wouldn’t like a man who loved, and was loved by, animals so much? Francis Bernardone, whose father was a successful international fabric merchant, was pretty popular with the other young people of early 13th century Assisi in Italy. He led a fun-filled frivolous life, spending the family wealth freely on his “posse,” to his father’s continual consternation. One day, sitting in a country chapel that was in great disrepair, Francis heard a voice telling him, “Go, Francis, and repair my house, which as you see is falling into ruin.” Initially understanding this message literally, and using more of his father’s money, Francis set about the task of restoring the chapel. It took more time before Francis would give himself over to a life of complete service to God, but he did eventually do so (perhaps helped along by his father disinheriting him). The figure in the stained glass looks well-nourished; but Francis wrecked his health with his dietary habits, often giving up his food for others. Once, Francis trekked from Italy to Spain barefoot in his rough rags. He even joined in the last of the Crusades, prepared – eager! – to die a martyr’s death in an attempt to bring peace. The account of Francis’ declining health during his final two years of life (he died at the age of 44, in the year 1226) is difficult to read. He may even have endured the onset of leprosy, since he had cared so closely for those poor unfortunates so afflicted, ever since the early days of his ministry. One aspect of this deteriorating health is the story that he was the first person whose body bore the signs of the stigmata (the appearance of wounds in his hands, feet, and side similar to those of the crucified Christ). You must look closely to see them, but the artist has included this legendary detail of the wounds in the stained glass figure’s hands and feet. Unlike the rich young man in the Gospel story, he gladly pursued this life of caring for the poor. Throughout it all, he maintained the joy and fun-filled cheerfulness of his youth. He loved to sing and he composed poetry, as evidenced by the authorship credits for Hymns 400 and 593. He considered every person, every animal, and everything in nature to be his brothers and sisters. St. Bridget Location: Right of altar, upper window From an early age, her natural inclination was to give everything away to the poor. This was a great frustration to her family, even though her charity was rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ: she is reported to have asked her parents, “Is it not Christ Himself we help when we help His poor?” Bridget’s father pressed her to marry a young nobleman, but she thwarted his plans by fleeing and becoming a nun. By thus becoming a “bride of Christ,” Brigid of Kildare (as the Irish know her) acquired her alternate name of “Bride.” She founded a convent at Kildare, and was its abbess. Her works of mercy continued through her long life, and her feast day of February 1 marks the date in the year 523 when she died, at about the age of 70. She is regarded as the patron saint of many things, including newborn infants (especially those born out of wedlock) and midwives. Unfortunately, she is often confused with a 13th century Swedish saint, another woman also called Bridget (this one was really named Birgitta), who was responsible for founding a religious order of nuns involved in acts of charity. In the stained glass, the crown you see upon St. Bridget’s head has a triple meaning: the stories of her life claim that she was of Celtic royal birth; a crown usually denotes a saint who was a nun; and, as one of the top three Irish saints (Patrick and Columba are the other two), Brigid is often called “Mary of the Gaels,” being yoked in the Irish mind with the persona of the mother of our Lord, the “Queen of Heaven.” She is shown carrying a staff, which indicates her status as an abbess. The glowing heart she St. Martha Location: Left of altar, lower window Martha of Bethany was very focused on wanting to display hospitality in the best possible way. For her, this meant the hard work of preparing a nourishing meal, and to do that she needed some help in the kitchen. But her sister, Mary, on whom she was relying for that help, was instead in the living room enthralled with listening to Jesus. Martha let her annoyance with Mary show, forgetting that hospitality comes in a variety of forms. She was focused on her own needs in her effort to be hospitable, and she failed to see that sometimes guests just need “to be,” rather than “to be waited upon.” In the alcove to the left of the altar, in the window opening below the figure of St. David, St. Martha of Bethany is shown in the stained glass. Her arms are laden with a bowl of fruit and a flagon of drink for her guests. On her wrist she wears a bundle of keys, emblematic of someone who must manage a large house. Once past these symbols that identify her, there seems to be a look of weariness and self-pity about all the things she must do to be hospitable. Martha of Bethany was chosen as one of the four saints to be depicted in the stained glass of St. David’s because we place great stock in displaying hospitality. St. David Location: Left of altar, upper window David was born in the 6th century. After his religious education, he traveled throughout Britain and established various monasteries, returning finally to the area of his birth near the ancient city of Menevia on the shore of the Irish Sea (which is now the city named for him: St. David). The way of life he led, which he also required of his monks, included a regimen of extreme austerity: hard physical labor during daylight hours, study and worship during the hours of darkness, and a vegetarian diet, with water the only permitted beverage. He is also said to have had the habit of bathing in pools of very cold water, doubly earning him the nickname of “The Waterman.” Since he is the patron saint of Wales, every Welsh youngster is taught the most famous legend of St. David’s ministry: that while he was preaching to a particularly large crowd, the ground on which he stood rose up beneath his feet so that David stood upon a small hill and all could hear and see him clearly. A white dove, symbolizing the Holy Spirit, alighted on his shoulder. Impressed with this sign, the aged bishop of the area is said to have resigned and conferred his title upon David. Leeks (and their close botanical relative, the daffodil) are the traditional Welsh decoration to wear on March 1, the feast day of St. David. Legend has him advising Welsh warriors engaged in battle with the Saxons to put leeks in their hats to distinguish themselves from the enemy; naturally, the Welsh won. It takes time to fully appreciate all the symbols shown in this window. The lush green of the chasuble he is wearing can be compared to the lovely green of the hangings and vestments used for the majority of each church year. Almost hidden is the white dove perched on the bishop’s shoulder. Behind him, poking up from the elevated ground, is a crop of plump leeks. The “pallium” is an ancient garment, similar to the stole worn by priests. You see one hanging like a yoke down the front of St. David’s green chasuble. The Pope traditionally awards a pallium to archbishops who exercise authority over other diocesan bishops, and the status of St. David as the archbishop of Wales is symbolized in this way. Remember Rhygyfarch’s goal of showing the independence of the Church in Wales? How did our parish come to be named for the patron saint of Wales? Parish records state that Bishop Randolph Claiborne, in August of 1956, suggested this name to the Episcopalians in North Fulton who had petitioned him to establish a parish for them. But I had to probe the memory of someone who knew Bishop Claiborne personally for an account of why he would have suggested this name: Bishop Claiborne was mindful that the Diocese of Atlanta already had a parish in Griffin that was named for St. George, the patron saint of England; and, there was St. Margaret’s parish in Carrollton, named in the 19th century for the beloved patron saint of Scotland. Apparently, Bishop Claiborne was bent on honoring the patron saint of each part of the British Isles, and thus our parish was named for the patron saint of Wales. Back to Part 4 - "The Six Mercies"

  • Meet a Member | St. David's Episcopal Church

    Meet a Member Meet a Member Patricks Describe your image Meet a Member Patty Describe your image Meet a Member Wright The Wright Family talk about their connection to St. David's Episcopal Church Roswell and how their involvement has impacted their lives. Meet a Member Patricks Describe your image 1/5

  • Preschool Camp St. David's Episcopal Preschool

    Camp near Roswell and Alpharetta St. David's Preschool CAMP St. David's Preschool Spring Camp For Kids Ages 16 Months to 10 Years. Fun, Learning and Adventure! Looking for the perfect camp for your children? Our Spring Camp is designed for kids ages 16 months to 10 years, offering a fun and educational experience for all ages. Click here to register on St. David's Preschool Parent Portal. Questions? Email Micky Trifanescu , Preschool Director, or call/text her at (470) 632-6330 . Summer Camp 2025 We are excited to announce that registration for St. David’s Preschool Summer Camp is now officially open! Our camp offers a fun, safe, and enriching environment for children to explore new activities, make lasting memories, and develop new skills. Click here to register on St. David's Preschool Parent Portal. Payment Plans available!! Questions? Email Micky Trifanescu , Preschool Director, or call/text her at (470) 632-6330 .

  • In-House Extra Programs | St. David's Episcopal Church

    In-House Extra Programs Rooster Club Available to all students 8:30AM drop-off in St. David's PlaySpace or Playground Students can be brought to the Rooster Club Play Group any time after 8:30 AM and play until the start of school at 9:30 AM. Per visit cost - $10. For Regular attendance (paid monthly) we offer 20% Discount . Per visit cost - $8 . Reservations can be made on Our School Hangout website. Payments can be tallied and paid online or by check sent into the preschool. StayNPlay Available to all students 1PM to 2PM on the preschool playground (rain location is St. David's PlaySpace) Students who are signed up for StayNPlay will be brought to the playground after preschool. Parents will pick-up children no later than 2PM. Per visit cost - $10. For Regular attendance (paid monthly) we offer 20% Discount . Per visit cost - $8 . Reservations can be made on Our School Hangout website. Payments can be tallied and paid online or by check sent into the preschool. Pop-Up Playdate Available to all students Weekly on Mondays and Fridays from 9:30AM to 1:00PM. Drop off and pick up in/from PlaySpace or Playground. Please bring lunch, water bottle, a change of clothes, and for those not potty trained, extra diapers. Per visit cost is $35 per child. Register by going on OSH calendar, or on OSH App. For Regular attendance (paid monthly) you can go on OSH Welcome page and select Pop-Up Playdate Regular Attendance. Event attendance totals: Minimum of 6 children/Maximum 15 Parents Night Out Available to all St. David's Preschool students and their siblings Once a month on Fridays from 5:30PM to 8:30PM. Children are walked to the playground (rain location is St. David's PlaySpace) and sign in with the caregivers. They will be separated by groups to offer everyone age appropriate activities. Caregivers will supervise playground play and then utilize the downstairs PlaySpace for preschool children and Jeffords Hall classrooms for their siblings. We will provide pizza dinner and end the night with a movie while enjoying a snack and lemonade. Parents will pick up children no later than 8:30PM from downstairs PlaySpace. Per visit cost is $35 for one child, $25 for older sibling(s) . Event attendance totals: Minimum of 6 children/Maximum 15 Register by going on OHS website calendar. Moms' Night Out Available to all students' mothers Once a month on Fridays from 6:30PM to 8:30PM. Moms’ Night Out Ministry offers the Mothers of St. David’s an opportunity to unwind and fellowship. Each month will offer a different theme, but the main focus is to have a few hours to refresh and replenish with fun activities for all. Questions? Please reach out to Lauren McClendon at

  • Preschool Registration | St. David's Church

    St. David's Preschool in Roswell, GA Registration St. David's Preschool provides parents a community portal called Our School Hangout . It is used for student registration, online payments, family directory, and more! To register at our preschool, click on the Our School Hangout below. To schedule a tour, call or text (470) 632-6330 Click Here to learn more about St. David's Preschool. The mission of our preschool is to provide a joyful enriching learning experience that will develop a love for learning and a sense of security that will last a lifetime. We welcome children ages 18 months – 5 years. Our classes vary in days, according to age. While we are not a daycare, we do have options so most children can be with us from 8:30 until 2pm, Monday through Friday. Contact Us St. David's Episcopal Church Preschool 1015 Old Roswell Rd. Roswell GA 30076 Open Monday-Friday from 8:30 AM - 2:00 PM Phone: (770) 993-1258 Mobile: (470) 632-6330 Check out our Facebook and Instagram pages.

  • Media | St. David's Episcopal Church

    Media - Podcasts and Video "That we might shine Christ’s light wherever God might call us" St. David's offers numerous podcasts and video to supplement and enhance your spiritual growth. Podcasts: Play these directly from this page, or download them by clicking on the icon next to the podcast length. What is a Podcast? St. David's podcasts are audio shows that focus on topics related to faith, spirituality, and religious beliefs. They often feature discussions, interviews, sermons, and teachings by experts in various religious traditions. These podcasts may cover a wide range of religious topics, including theology, ethics, morality, prayer, and meditation. These are a great way for people to connect with their faith and to explore new ideas and perspectives. Tune in at your convenience and from anywhere in the world, so you can stay engaged with this community and deepen your understanding of faith. Video Mobile Users - Click Here for our YouTube Channel The Latest Videos - Click the Playlist Icon in the upper right corner of the video below to select from our video library.

  • Visitors Card | St. David's Episcopal Church

    Visitors Card Thank you for visiting St. David's! We are truly blessed that we were included in your faith and want to extend an invitation to return. Kindly complete the visitor's card below so that we can reach out to you.

  • Handbell Choir | St. David's Episcopal Church

    Handbell Choir St. David’s is blessed to have a 5-octave set of Schulmerich Handbells and 4 octaves of Malmark Handchimes. The bell choir consists of adults and students from the ninth grade up. We play music in Levels 1 through 4 (out of 6 levels). The group rings for the 9:00 a.m and 11:15 a.m. Services about 4 times during the season (September through May), including Lessons and Carols, Christmas Eve, and Music Appreciation Sunday. We also play, enhancing hymns, choral anthems, and/or ringing solo pieces. Previous ringing experience or music note reading, while helpful, is not necessary; bring a sense of adventure, a willing heart, and the ability to count to eight! We have fun together. Rehearsals are on Sunday mornings, 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. For more information, contact Susie Clements, 770-993-6084, x131, or email her here .

  • Bible Studies | St. David's Episcopal Church

    Bible Studies Adult Learning St. David's has several Bible Studies that meet from September through May and generally break for the summer. Each Bible Study has its own course of study and has different areas of focus. We invite you to explore these offerings. If you find one that interests you, please use the links to email the facilitator. Thursday Morning Bible Study Thursdays Beginning September 12 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. Jeffords Hall The Thursday Morning Bible Study is studying the Old Testament book of Isaiah this Fall. God is represented as a vineyard owner, and Israel, as His vineyard. He tenderly cared for the vines and expected a fruitful harvest. But He was disappointed. His people rejected Him and His loving care. So, He sought a messenger to speak for Him. He chose Isaiah, who responded, "Here I am. Send me!" (Isaiah 6:8). This class is free and is offered in-person, online via Zoom, or as a YouTube lesson (for those who work on Thursdays). If you are interested, please contact Kim Freeman . Or click here to register. Come journey with us. All are welcome! Men's Saturday Morning Bible Study Saturdays 8:30 a.m. Grace Hall This gathering is a true Bible study with discussion. Each class is a standalone event so there is no long-term commitment. Drop-ins are always welcome. Contact Chris Burpo for information. Saturday Morning Bible Study returns for the fall on Saturday September 21, 8:30-9:30 a.m. in Grace Parish Hall. This fall’s program will be something different, sort of like a “choose your own adventure”. We will choose the scripture to be read and discussed from a list of descriptions (without attribution or context) of selected events and personalities which the various authors have woven together to explore the major elements and themes of unique stories. Men's Tuesday Morning Bible Study Tuesdays 6:30 a.m. Online This Bible Study meets online, early Tuesday mornings, and has a rotation of study. For the current course of study and more information about gathering or the current course of study, please contact Ron Felder .

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