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Stewardship Update

David Bacon

As of Friday, December 4th, St.David's has received 193 Pledges totaling $989,039.

Earlier this fall, we completed a study series on “The Marks of Christian Discipleship” and now, we are in the middle of the 2021 pledge campaign. Your financial commitment is a tangible display of Christian discipleship and is critically important to the life of St. David’s, particularly considering the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. To date, we have received 193 pledge commitments totaling $989,039. This is a great start, but we have a long way to go to reach our goal of $1.7 million. Your vestry and stewardship committee ask you to support St. David’s by completing a pledge card. If have not received a pledge card please contact Rebecc Cline at, download it from the link below, or make your pledge online through the St. David’s app or website. If you have already pledged, thank you very much. If you have not, please unveil your heart to Christ and complete your pledge today.


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