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Music Ministry Opportunities!

David Bacon


As our choir comes together for the 2022-2023 program year, more tenor and alto choir members are needed to balance our growing soprano and bass sections. There are several special music opportunities for our choir in the coming months:

  • 150th anniversary of the birth of Ralph Vaughan Williams, beloved composer and hymn writer. We will sing some of his music for October worship services.

  • All Saints Sunday - preparing splendid anthems for worship.

  • Preparing special anthems for Garner Crowder’s wedding

  • Candlelight Service of Lessons and Carols, 5pm on Sunday, December 18th followed by reception.

  • Festival Christmas Eve Services at 8pm and 10pm with music from old and new masters of beauty and joy.

Your St. David’s Adult choir is created through love of music, praising God, service, prayer, fellowship, and devotion mixed with much good will, humor, nurturing, and joy. If you are an alto or tenor and these qualities strike a chord with you, please consider adding your voice!


If you are interested in ringing handbells, returning to the handbell choir, and/or helping with re-organizing our bell choir, please reach out to Sue Mitchell-Wallace. When we have enough ringers enrolled, we will resume rehearsals on Sunday mornings 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. in the handbell room.

Music Library!

Are the musical opportunities above falling a bit flat? Is organization what makes your heart sing? If you have cataloguing and library skills, volunteer assistance is needed for our church’s choral music library. This is important, ongoing work for the music ministry of St. David's.

Questions? Interested?

If any of these Music Ministry Opportunities has struck a chord with you, please email Sue Wallace. She would be delighted to answer any questions. You may email her at


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