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Did You Know St. David's Library is Online?

David Bacon

Did you know that you can access St. David’s Church library online? From home?

Over a year ago, parishioner Kay Anderson digitized the library into an online catalog application in the cloud.

You will be able to search online for

  1. books, journals, and media,

  2. place books on hold, and

  3. keep our clipboard checkout available.** For onsite check out, Please visit and take a gander at what was created.

To become a patron, please follow the below instructions:

  1. Email with your First Name, Last Name, and Email Address

  2. You will receive an email stating that you have been registered. 3. Go to and enter your email.

  3. Click on "need password"

  4. The system will email you a temporary password.

  5. After you login, change the password in "edit profile."

Brief overview of the website, you can search by:

  • - Title

  • - Author

  • - Added (to the system)

  • - Published (year)

  • - Tag List = Categories as each shelf is labeled, there may be multiple copies in different categories.

The church lending library is located in upstairs lobby in Harrison Hall.

Shelves are labeled in broad categories (not alphabetically), for example: Audio/Video, Teens, Daily Devotional, Family & Parenting, Bibles, Bible Study, Grief & Dying, C. S. Lewis, & Ken Swanson’s Spiritual Direction Course, Theology, Prayer & Spiritual Direction, etc. There are some twenty-five categories in all.

An author may be found in more than one category or shelf, for example: Richard Rohr can be found in Self-Help and Prayer & Spiritual Direction, Joan Chittister in Women’s Studies, and Theology, and Prayer & Spiritual Direction, and Walter Brueggeman in Bible Studies and Theology. The online app as described above will tell you what category a specific title is in. The books are arranged alphabetic

ally by author except lives of the saints and biographies which are alphabetical by subject.

When checking out a book the old fashioned way please put the name of the book and your name and the date on the clipboard on the sixth bookshelf from the left. Books maybe checked out for 30 days. When returning a book, please leave it in the white basket on the floor to the left of the shelves and please remember to cross off your name and book on the clipboard.

While we appreciate donations please understand that most fiction and any duplicates may be added to the swap shelves on the first floor. (Peter Toy tries to keep up with new donations by adding them to online catalog.)


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