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Being A Better Neighbor in February to NFCC

David Bacon

Clean Start for the New Year

Most of us worry more about having time to do the laundry than about having detergent to use, but that is not true for everyone around us. One highly sought- but seldom donated item at the North Fulton Community Charities' Food Pantry is laundry detergent.

Let’s help! Please bring POWDERED laundry detergent to church and leave it in the mailbox hallway. Our young people will divide it all up into smaller, labelled baggies for the Pantry. We made 200 bags last time. Let’s outdo ourselves this year!

PLUS, Fruit for February

As fast as we put peaches, pears, and pineapple, etc. on shelves, they fly out the door to a family in need. Please consider adding a can or two of fruit to your grocery cart each time you shop in February. Drop your cans in the Blue Bin in the mailbox hallway and they will find their way to the Pantry!

General Food Pantry Word to the Wise: Please avoid glass containers. Too many opportunities for breakage.

Both items needed for February.


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