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St. Davids Choir Sings at the Christmas Eve Service

Music News

Christmas Lessons and Carols
Christmas Lessons and Carols
Lessons and Carols is a beloved candlelight service of Christmas music and readings.

Join us for one of many opportunities not only to enjoy music, but to let it breathe into your soul, and experience the awe and majesty of God’s wonders through the gift of music.

​For you, O Lord, have made me glad by your work; at the works of your hands, I sing for joy.
– Psalm 92:4

“No created powers can mar our Lord Jesus’ music, nor spill our song of Joy.
​Let us then be glad and rejoice in the salvation of our Lord.”

– Samuel Retherford


​As Episcopalians, we are inheritors of a rich Anglican Choral Tradition of exceptional quality. We embrace that tradition at St. David’s by offering music that has stood the test of time; we also champion the work of modern-day composers who prove that God continues to speak to musicians writing today. Our music selections are guided by the lectionary readings for the day, as well as the liturgical season. We encourage all who desire to make music to have the opportunity to share their gifts in worship. Through a variety of ensembles and worship times, we provide opportunities to participate for all ages and a variety of experience levels.

The musical season is from September through May. Small groups and soloists provide special music through the summer months.

Music and Choir

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Sue Mitchell-Wallace, M.M., FAGO, ASCAP
Music Director & Organist
770-993-6084, Ext. 107

An award-winning Fellow of the American Guild of Organists and the American Society of Composers and Publishers. She served on the National Council of the AGO for six years as  â€‹Councilor for Education. She served for four years on the professional certification committee and still adjudicates certification examinations and improvisation examinations around the country. She studied with Dr. Harold Gleason and Catharine Crozier at Rollins College (B.M.). She additionally studied with Dr. Thomas Spacht, Barry College, and James Progis, majoring in composition at the University of Miami. (M.M.) She was selected for membership in Pi Kappa Lambda National Music Honor Society and Omicron Delta Kappa, Leadership Honor Society, and received an Algernon Sydney Sullivan Fellowship. She was on the music faculty at Broward College, Florida Atlanta University and the Birmingham Southern Conservatory. She is a Composer Fellow of Melodious Accord, under the tutelage of Alice Parker.

She has served on the national boards of the Hymn Society of America and Canada, the Leadership Program for Musicians, and the Presbyterian Association of Musicians. She has served on the Diocesan Music Commission for the Diocese of Atlanta. She was dean of the Fort Lauderdale chapter of AGO and completed her term as dean of the Atlanta AGO chapter in June 2016. She is currently the American Guild of Organists Regional Councillor for the Southeast.

She has concertized from California to the Netherlands, Wales to Texas. She has played solo recitals at the United States Naval Academy, the Cathedral of St. Philip in Atlanta, the Washington National Cathedral, Queens College in Oxford, England, and was invited to play two solo programs at Westminster Abbey, London. She has played for and presented workshops at national conventions for the Hymn Society of America and the American Guild of Organists. She has been a conference organist at Montreat, Lake Junaluska and Green Lake worship and music conferences, Presbyterian, Methodist, and American Baptist denominations, respectively. She presents workshops, recitals, and master classes throughout the USA.

She is a published and commissioned composer of choir anthems, organ literature, music for trumpet and organ, and handbell music. Her music has been published by Hope, Selah, Carl Fischer, Presser, and G.I.A. Her choirs have sung services at the Cathedral of St. Philip and three concerts at Carnegie Hall.
She is currently the organist-choirmaster at St. David’s Episcopal Church, a thriving parish in suburban Atlanta. She recently was commissioned to contribute several composer/repertoire chapters for a book compendium that will be published by the American Choral Directors Association in 2019.

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Susie Clements
Basement Band Director
770-993-6084 x131

Susie Clements loves making music and working with children of all ages. She has a Bachelor of Sacred Music from Wittenberg University and is a member of Chorister’s Guide and RSCM America. She has been coaching and teaching children in the Episcopal church for over 20 years, working with all ages, infants, and toddlers through high school. Growing up Lutheran, she joined the choir in 3rd grade and has been singing and playing piano, organ, guitar, and recorder ever since. Loves long walks on the beach (no, seriously! LOVES the beach!) and likes new challenges and creating new opportunities to reflect God’s love through music.

Music and Choir News and Updates

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