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Frequently Asked Questions

Take a minute and plan your visit to St. David's.


There is parking on the west of our campus (by entrance to the Church) and on the north side of our campus behind Jeffords Fellowship Hall (and the playground). There is also additional parking at Mimosa Elementary School, with stairs that lead to our campus. There are handicapped parking spaces available in the parking lot adjacent to the Church with a handicapped entrance. Jeffords Fellowship Hall has additional handicapped parking located in the front of the Hall on the curved driveway. Parking is not allowed in the lane that is to your far right as you enter the Jeffords Hall entrance from Old Roswell Road, this is a fire lane. It is clearly marked with a red curb.

Sunday School and Adult Education

Sunday School for children, youth, and adults is held from 10:15 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. each Sunday, between the 9:00 a.m. Family Service and the 11:15 a.m. service. The current list of offerings, and their locations, will be available in the worship Bulletin.  If you need directions, please feel free to ask an usher, or at the Welcome Desk. They will be happy to help you.

What to expect

We want your visit to St. David's to be a warm and welcoming experience. We believe that when you are our guest, we are co-hosts with God, who has extended an invitation to each of us to share in the love we have come to know at St. David's. Please stop by our Welcome Center in the main entrance of the Church, and a member of our Welcome Ministry will be there to assist you. We also encourage you to fill out a Welcome Card, which may be found at the Welcome Center, in the pew racks, or online (here). The Welcome Card will enable us to send you information about our Church. It can be given to a greeter, or member of the vestry, dropped in the offering plate, or in the box located at the Welcome Center.


The Eucharist culminates in Communion, a shared meal of bread and wine in remembrance of Jesus' death and resurrection. An usher will invite you to come to the altar rail. You may stand or kneel at the rail, though most parishioners kneel. Most parishioners hold their hands out with their palms open, and a minister will come to you to place bread in your hand. You may then take the bread to your mouth or dip the bread in the wine. You may receive the wine directly from the chalice by guiding it with your hand if you prefer. If you would not like to receive Communion, simply cross your arms across your chest like an "X", and a minister will offer a prayer of blessing instead. 

If you have a question and do not see it here, please feel free to contact the church office. We are happy to answer any questions you may have!
St. David's Episcopal Church

Phone: 770-993-6084


1015 Old Roswell Rd.

Roswell, GA. 30076

Office hours: Tuesday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

NOTE: The office will be closed December 26 to January 1.


©2023 by St. David's Episcopal Church.

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