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Cumpliendo Dos

Dos días: el programa Cumpliendo dos años es para niños de 18 meses** de edad antes del 01/09/2022

Esta clase se reúne dos días por semana los martes y jueves de 9:30 am a 1:00 pm. El tamaño de la clase está limitado a ocho estudiantes con dos maestros.


Haga clic aquí para ver los objetivos de Turning Twos 

Los niños disfrutan de juegos libres, historias, canciones, juegos con los dedos y crean proyectos de arte de "hacer y tomar". Los más pequeños tienen una clase de música y movimiento una vez a la semana y salen a jugar al aire libre en nuestro patio de recreo para niños pequeños todos los días si el clima lo permite.

Los niños llegarán a las 9:30 a. m. y partirán a la 1:00 p. m. en viaje compartido (a menos que lleguen antes del viaje compartido asistiendo al Rooster Club de las 8:30 a. m.). Los padres que prefieran no usar la fila de vehículos compartidos pueden llevar a sus hijos al preescolar a las 9:45 a. m.

**Los niños deben poder caminar y mantenerse despiertos durante el programa de 3,5 horas. Los padres brindan un almuerzo ligero "sin nueces" y una taza para sorber llena de agua en una lonchera y un suministro de pañales en una bolsa etiquetada con dos asas.  Preschool proporcionará refrigerios.  Se proporcionan planes de lecciones semanales y las evaluaciones de los estudiantes se dan a los padres en enero (conferencia de padres y maestros) y nuevamente en mayo.

  • La matrícula anual es de $2390 y se puede pagar en 10 pagos mensuales iguales de $239 desde agosto de 2022 hasta mayo de 2023.

  • Al momento de la inscripción para nuevos estudiantes, se debe pagar una tarifa de inscripción de:  $125

  • Se debe pagar una tarifa única de suministros de $50 el primer mes de preescolar.

  • Pulse aquí para registrarse.

Why Families Love St. David's Preschool

  • Low Student-to-Teacher Ratio: More individual attention ensuring that your child’s needs are met in a thoughtful and personal way.

  • Creative, Engaged Learning: Classrooms are active and vibrant, filled with creative learning centers with engaged teachers guiding students.

  • A Safe, Nurturing Environment:  St. David’s helps children feel secure and confident as they discover the world around them. 

  • Before and After School Care: Many families need flexible scheduling, which is why we offer programs for early drop-off and extended after-school care.

  • A Strong Curriculum: Our curriculum integrates literature, science, and social studies into our learning activities, helping children develop well-rounded skills in all areas of growth.

St. David’s Preschool: A Place Where Children Thrive!

  • ​Personalized Attention: With smaller class sizes, we’re able to cater to the unique needs of each child, whether it’s helping them develop social skills, independence, or a love for learning.

  • Fostering Independence & Friendships: We believe in creating an environment that encourages independence while also helping children build lasting friendships. By providing room for creativity and exploration, children develop the confidence to try new things, solve problems, and work together with their peers.

  • A Diverse and Inclusive Environment: St. David’s Preschool welcomes families from all backgrounds. We celebrate diversity and teach children to respect and appreciate others, fostering an inclusive, compassionate community.


What Will Your Preschooler Learn?

At St. David’s Preschool, we provide a well-rounded education that lays the foundation for future success in school and life:

  • Literacy: Children will engage with literature, learn their letters, sounds, and develop early reading skills through interactive storytelling and songs.

  • Math: Children will explore basic math concepts like numbers, counting, patterns, and measurement through fun activities and hands-on learning.

  • Science & Social Studies: Children learn about the world around them by exploring science concepts (like weather and nature) and engaging in social studies projects that introduce them to the basics of community, culture, and relationships.

  • Art & Creativity: We provide ample opportunities for creative expression through art projects, music, movement, and dramatic play.

Registration for 2024-2025 Now Open!

We are now accepting registrations for the 2024-2025 school year! If you’re looking for a nurturing, Christian preschool that offers a well-rounded educational experience in a small, creative setting, St. David’s is the perfect place for your child.

What is Happening at St. David's Preschool?

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